Internet in Education

Internet in Education


I'm writing this blog because i've seen some people asking about internet in education. As far as I know there are two ways to use the internet in education; e-learning and web based teaching. E-Learning is a new generation of learning, provided through the various types of websites which allows the user to have access to learning facilities and materials online. Web Based Teaching is a way that brings different people together – teachers and students – on a platform via the Internet. The teacher provides teaching services at specific times, while students join the system at these specific times to take classes provided by teacher

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I'm writing this blog because i've seen some people asking about internet in education.

I'm writing this blog because i've seen some people asking about internet in education.

I have already discussed the issue of e-learning. As far as I know there are two ways to use the internet in education; e-learning and web based teaching. The first method is more suitable for those who want to teach subjects at home or offline classes that do not require much time and space, while web based teaching requires more time but gives you access to learners from all over the world (including mobile phones).

As far as I know there are two ways to use the internet in education; e-learning and web based teaching.

As far as I know there are two ways to use the internet in education; e-learning and web based teaching.

E-learning is a method of delivering learning material using computer technology and the internet. The learner accesses resources on their own time, anywhere they want, from any device (computer, tablet or smartphone). The materials can be viewed by teachers who may be miles away from students. Teachers only need to provide support if needed so that students don’t get stuck on specific topics; for example you could go over your notes after class or send an email explaining what you want them to do next week when we meet again at 8am sharp!

Web based teaching (WBST) is also known as blended learning because it integrates traditional classroom instruction with online resources such as videos or interactive quizzes/games that can be accessed anytime after school hours but before bedtime at home which makes it easy for parents too!!

E-Learning is a new generation of learning, provided through the various types of websites which allows the user to have access to learning facilities and materials online.

E-learning is a new generation of learning, provided through the various types of websites which allows the user to have access to learning facilities and materials online. The concept of e-learning was introduced by Harvard University in 1999. It has since been developed into an integrated system that helps students achieve their goals by providing them with access to diverse tools and resources at any time, anywhere in the world through their computers or mobile phones.

E-learning can be divided into two major categories: self-directed learning (SDL) and classroom instruction (CL). SDL refers as when learners go online without being supervised by teachers while CL refers when they are under direct supervision from teachers who guide them through topics taught within classrooms

Web Based Teaching is a way that brings different people together – teachers and students – on a platform via the Internet. The teacher provides teaching services at specific times, while students join the system at these specific times to take classes provided by teacher.

Web Based Teaching is a way that brings different people together – teachers and students – on a platform via the Internet. The teacher provides teaching services at specific times, while students join the system at these specific times to take classes provided by teacher.

The teacher can see student's screen and provide feedback on their work as well as give suggestions for improvement in their learning process. Students do not have any trouble getting access to this service as they simply log onto any computer with an internet connection anywhere in the world and use it easily without any problems whatsoever!

E-learning can be an effective way to learn.

E-learning can be an effective way to learn. It can be used to teach a class of students, such as a college course or high school curriculum. In addition, e-learning can also be used to learn subjects such as math, science and history. These types of courses are usually delivered online via video lectures and interactive assignments which require students' participation in order for them to pass the course successfully!

E-Learning has also been proven successful in helping people who want improve their skills at working with computers (e.g., building websites) develop their own knowledge base by researching relevant topics on the internet then writing articles about those topics so that others who may not have enough time available could still gain valuable information from these articles without having access themselves."


As you can see, there are many ways to get information and teach students on the internet. The most important thing is that you want to ensure these methods are going to be effective for your students.

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