Hey guys welcome back we're going to talk about how to How To Add Adsense on your blog I got a question about Adsense and I want to answer it here I knows a lot of
new bloggers coming on the scene and
they're concerned about using Adsense on their blogs so here I'm going to show
you how to add adsense into individual
blog posts now we're going to act like
we're doing this from scratch so the first thing we want to do of course you
have to have an approved adsense account
this will work on blogger and on WordPress blogs the first thing you want
to do is come in to your adsense account click on my ads and then you're going to click on custom channels now we're going to add a new custom channel the reason
you want to add a custom channel is so
that you can add targeting so that advertisers will know what appears on
this particular blog page so they'll be
able to make sure that they're getting targeted traffic back to their ad so
that's why you want to use a custom
channel so I'm just going to type in the custom channel that I want to set up now
there's all different types of ad units
that you can have we've already set up some ad units so what I'm going to do is
pick one that I know performs well and it's very popular and even Adsense has
recommended that I use the size and
that's the 300 by 250 now we're going to turn on the targeting now we'll just
fill out the rest of the form so I filled in the name of the blog the
position that the ads will appear in and I gave a description so this is where I
put in the keywords so that advertisers will know this is going to talk about
blogging tips email marketing YouTube marketing and websites and then of
course the language and see
okay now we're gonna go over to ad units will do a new ad unit and once again
we're going to fill in the name and the
ad size we've already determined was 300 by 250 remember I told you that Adsense
already recommends that I use that size
so here it is right there so now when it comes to the ad type I like to use image
rich media ads only but do some testing because there's also text or text and image ads so do some testing for
yourself to see what works best with your audience then I don't concern
myself with the back up ads but as you can see there's a couple choices there
I'll just leave it as show blank space now for the custom channels remember we
already set ours up that's the reason we set up the custom channel before we
created the ad unit and I know that's kind of backwards because if you look at
the menu it makes it think you should
set up the ad unit first because that's the first thing but I like to set up the channel first that way when I come in
here and set up the unit there's my Wab okay so keep that in mind when you're setting up the ad so here you see miss Eileen speaks inside post and add it at the bottom of the screen you'll see two choices save or save and get
code well I'm gonna get the code because what I did I already have a blog post
redy I'm already in the edit mode of a blog post this one just so happens to be on a blog or blog so I can just grab this code right now and stick it into
the post so here we go let's save and
get cooed so here's my code let's grab it now let's go over to the edit mode of a
blog post from that particular blog now
I'm demonstrating this on a blogger blog but it works the same way on WordPress the only difference is you're going to see compose or text mode in this case it's HTML when you're on blogger so either way switch over to HTML or text mode find the spot where you want to insert the ad update the post
and we come back and view the post there you see the ad appears within the text so that's it that's how you add an
adsense unit into the middle of a blog post and as I mentioned you can do this on blogger and it works on WordPress I
hope you've enjoyed watching this video and here's what I'd like you to do while
you're over on YouTube subscribe to my
channel that way you can keep up to date with all the blogging tutorials social
media and anything that's going on with YouTube or Google and Google Chrome thanks so much for joining me today I
really appreciate it and I'll talk to you soon once again as eileen from basic
blog tips bye for now