5 Ways to Rank Your Website in Google

 There are many big blog sites in our country, there are blog sites that get thousands of organic clicks from Google every day. Bloggers do this by adopting a way to rank the website in Google. But many people don't know the exact method to get the website ranked quickly in Google.

Today in this article I will discuss with you some effective ways to get website to Google ranking fast. And for this you must read this entire article in detail and carefully.

How to rank website in google

There are many benefits to having a website rank quickly in Google. You can easily get organic traffic from Google because of this. So let's discuss how to rank the website in Google.

1. Must post regularly

Regular posting is very important for the website to rank quickly in Google. When you regularly post high quality posts on your website, your website will gain credibility with Google. Google will then think that this website has high quality posts every day.

As a result, Google will monitor your website more and your site will rank higher due to regular posting. So if you want your website to rank fast, you must post regularly there.

2. Post high quality

Post regularly but your posts will have no quality; Then your website will not rank. In order for your website to rank, you must make a habit of posting high-quality content as well as regular posts on your website.

Because if the quality of your post is good and more informative then Google will definitely rank your post at the top. And if any of your posts are ranked on the first page of Google, that means you will get enough organic visitors from there.

3. On-page SEO should be done

Many of us only post on websites. But many people do not pay attention to on-page SEO. Especially new bloggers write posts without doing keyword research and on-page SEO. As a result they don't get any visitors and eventually they fail.

So definitely when you write a post, write the post focusing on a specific keyword. Besides, if you write complete on-page SEO, then your post will definitely rank in Google and you will get organic visitors from Google very easily. So of course when you write a post, do On-page SEO of your post properly.

If you keep writing SEO friendly articles on your website regularly then surely you can get your site ranked very fast.

Another thing to note here is to ensure that the density of words in your post is high. Then you can bring your desired post to Google rank very quickly.

4. Have to backlink

An effective way to rank a website quickly on Google is to create banklinks. Google will rank your website very quickly when you build strong backlinks against your website.

The more high quality backlinks you can get for your website, the more your website will be ahead of other websites and the faster your website posts will rise to the top.

You can backlink to other websites in various ways if you want. But while doing backlinking, you must keep in mind that the sites you want to backlink with should be old sites and the site's rank should be good.

Backlinking to ten high quality websites is much more effective than banklinking to 100 low quality websites. You will not backlink to any website that would be considered by Google as a spam link for you to link to.

So you must backlink with some trusted website having good rank. As a result, the acceptance and value of your website to Google will increase a lot.

5. Social media marketing should be done

Different posts of your website must be shared more and more on different social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest etc. The more you can share your posts on these websites, the more Google will give your website value.

Because when you are sharing more and more posts of your own website on these social networking websites then your website social media marketing is happening here. Moreover, you can easily get many visitors from here by sharing your post on these sites.

But most new bloggers don't want to share their posts on these social media platforms. As a result, their posts are delayed to be indexed in Google in the first stage and their site is very late to rank.

So of course when you create a website apart from writing regular posts on your website share those posts on various social media platforms. By doing this, visitors will continue to come to your website and on the other hand, the authority of your website will increase to Google.

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last word

In this long discussion we discussed how to rank website in google for new bloggers. Generally visitors are very important for a website. Visitors are said to be the lifeblood of the website. You created a website and worked hard to post regularly but you are not getting any visitors from here. This means no one can see what you write. As a result your post will have no value.

Also, when you post regularly, you will definitely want to earn some money from these posts. And if you have to earn from the website, you definitely need a lot of visitors to your website.

So you must think about website ranking in order to get visitors to your website. If you follow these guidelines given by us, surely your posts will rank fast and you will get lots of organic visitors through it.

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