Stay Secured in the Web

The use of information technology in our daily lives to stay safe on the web is constantly increasing.  As the use of personal mobile computers has increased, so has the use of the Internet or online.The security risk is created when any computer or mobile device (phone, pad, tab, etc.) is free online right now.  This risk can be reduced by taking precautions and taking special measures.  An online user uses different types of websites for various reasons. 

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 Here's a few basic facts about a stomp pad and how it is used.  A, General Site: Many users use simple and free e-mail services such as Yahoo, Hotmail or Gmail.  The editing of account hacking on each of these sites cannot be completely blown away.  Many of our essential mails can be lost if hacked.  Again, using that account can lead to fraud or similar acts that are the responsibility of the user.  In these cases the following general precautions need to be followed: Many people who do not use a simple password use their own name, a simple keyboard layout (such as qwerty or asdfg or 12345696) as the password for their e-mail account.  This is not relevant at all.  Because in the case of e-mail, the e-mail account is the username, which almost everyone knows.  That's why if the password is easy, anyone can hack the account with just a few attempts.  For this a complex format should be used as the password.  And it should use letters, numbers, special symbols (!) Etc.).  Change passwords regularly;  It is necessary to change the password of the e-mail every few days.  Use in cases where there is a system of two-way verification.  For example, the security of the Gmail account can be strengthened through mobile phones.  For this you need to use Gmail's 2 Step Verificaton option.  > Go to account settings from profile.  > 2 - step verification Click on the edit option here.  > Enter the mobile number and click on the send code button.  > A security code will be sent from Gmail to Mobile.  With that you have to click on the verify option.  Then turn on the 2 - step verification.  Now if anyone wants to gain unauthorized access to this account they have to get the mobile code and use it.  Since the code can only be used once, the account will be safe even if someone knows the previous code.  Similarly Yahoo!  Similar measures can be taken in the mail.  If you use e-mail from a computer in a cyber cafe or corner where many people use it, you must log out of the account after use.  In addition, the use of general websites can be safe if some additional precautions are followed.  Many websites have special programs installed.  When cookies are enabled in a web browser, these software transmits various information from the user's computer and browser.  These websites.Be careful when using.  Everywhere the website asks for different personal information from the users.  There is no need to give all this information unless there is a special need.  B.  Social sites: Nowadays, many people leave their personal information on social networking sites.  Many also share personal photos.  As a result, if someone finds out the password of the Facebook account, the security of personal information may be compromised.  In this case, it is important to take similar measures according to the security measures mentioned in the e-mail site.  In addition, when using social networking sites, the following precautions need to be taken: নিশ্চিত To be sure about someone before making a 'friend', not to be a friend of yours in real life * To be sure about his identity when making a stranger wild,  For this reason, it is necessary to check his profile, see if any of his mutual friends know him or not. * It is necessary to refrain from publishing very personal pictures on Facebook.  Flowers logged out every time using Facebook / e-mail on mobile, signing out after using internet in cyber cafe  Not to do.  C, Adult Sites: There are many sites on the web that are for adults only.  All of these sites have age-appropriate topics that are not suitable for you.  The use of such websites may disrupt security and disrupt the normal operation of the device.  To ensure security, you should refrain from clicking on unwanted images or advertisements visible on the website.  They have to strive for moral development along with the development of information technology.

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